The Laings Journal

Top Tips on Buying a Diamond


With the most romantic day of the year just around the corner, we've put together a list of our top tips if you're looking to buy an engagement ring this year!

Listen when she talks about jewellery

Once you’ve made the decision to propose, conversations about jewellery will become instantly interesting. Whether she likes the vintage style of her friend’s engagement ring to what she may or may not have so subtly pinned to her inspiration board or if you don’t have enough info, you might even want to take a day to browse rings together. And although it may sound a little unromantic, it’ll definitely help ensure you end up giving her something she really likes

Talk to other guys who’ve gone through it before!

This is just too big of a purchase not to get an opinion on. And even if you are a private person, ring shopping is the time to open your inner circle and invite in someone with experience.


Consult her friends

To be sure you score major points, confide in someone close to your partner to see if they can gather some feelers as to what she’s been thinking about, or if there was something she saw in a magazine that really caught her eye. You can also bring them with you to make the purchase, as a second opinion. Your girlfriend’s girlfriends will probably love nothing more than to come with you, do research for you or even help you plan the proposal. They are your best allies in this venture, hands-down. Just don’t tell too many people.

Learn the 4 Cs


Ring shopping is the World Champion of Stressful Moments in a man’s life. But if done properly, it can also be one of the most memorable purchases you’ll ever make. I’m talking specifically about learning the 4Cs — that is the diamond’s cut, carat, clarity, and color. Put it this way: If you buy a ring without considering the 4Cs, it’s like buying an expensive car because of the price, and then finding out it has a crappy engine, a rust-filled body, and won’t last you a week. So take the time to study up before you shop.

Consider going bespoke

Going custom will sound complicated and expensive, but actually it's not. One thing you’ll find out is that the diamond and the setting do not always have to come as one package. Yes, it’s easier to buy a ring as you see it, but you can buy the setting and diamond separately, and then have it made into your own custom ring.  Our in house designers will guide you through the process simply and easily without any fuss at all.

We hope these tips have helped but if we can be of any more assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch.