The Laings Journal

7 Reasons Why Mothers Day Matters

Mothering Sunday - 30th March


Mothering Sunday is the perfect opportunity to show your Mum just how much she means to you. As we know sometimes we can take her for granted and if there was no designated day then perhaps many Mothers out there would go let's remind ourselves why our Mothers matter.


1. The Full Time Job - No-one gets a holiday from being Mum...long hours, no pay and no vacation time. This dedication is very rarely seen outside the realms of motherhood....if your boss at work suggested these conditions as terms of contract you would think he was mad!


2. The  Housework Myth - It may be a surprise to know that the house doesn't get cleaned and tidied by the dust fairies, it is actually Mum…spending her days cleaning, scrubbing and tidying for it to last all of ten minutes once the brood re-descends.


3. Mum VS Food - The 3 daily meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner equates to around 1092 meals a year for one person alone.....maybe it might be time to consider making her breakfast in bed every other weekend!


4. TAXI!!! - The truth is we could walk, get the bus or even cycle to our destination...but if Mum is around then we feel entitled to the use of the fare-less taxi.


5. PA To The Family - Where are you supposed to be at 10.45am on Saturday the 19th of June 2014....better ask Mum!


6. Therapist - Whatever the emotional drama may be - love-life, work problems, sibling rivalry...Mum can be counted on to listen and offer advice, we may never take said advice, but we should always be grateful for her shoulder to cry on.


7. It's Unconditional - It's important to remember that there are ways of showing your appreciation other than spending matter what you present her with this Mothers Day if its an expensive gift or a thoughtful homemade card, as long as you tell her how much she means to you she will LOVE you to bits anyway!


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